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Central America Guidebooks

Central America

Central America

Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
JPM Guides | 112 pages with fold-out map
This Way | Ref:2495.00.11 | ISBN: 978-2-88452-495-7

Poised between the Old World and the New, the countries of Central America blend the magnificence of pre-Columbian civilizations with a society infused with pride and religious fervour. Tropical forest national parks and a rich wildlife make this a haven of ecotourism. You’ll discover Maya ruins half-buried beneath the vegetation, dazzling colonial cities that have resisted earthquake and hurricane. Meanwhile the Indians preserve their colourful traditions and their sense of festivity and legend.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Claude Hervé-Bazin | 96 pages with fold-out map
This Way | Ref:2333.00.11 | ISBN: 978-2-88452-294-6

Costa Rica, “discovered” by Christopher Columbus and defined by the Conquistadors, possesses remarkable natural riches. It boasts more than a hundred volcanoes, some of them active, their slopes covered with coffee plantations, tropical rainforests with a matchless biodiversity providing homes for monkeys, tapirs and jaguars, two superb coasts—Pacific to the west, Caribbean to the east—and beaches of dazzling white sand or sparkling volcanic black in which turtles lay their eggs.